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Our Trucks & Teams



Reserve a moving company for your move.
Create an inventory list with relocation specialist of items that you will be taking.
Create a prioritized “TO Do” list
Start cleaning out your closets, garage and attic.
Have a garage sale or donate unneeded items, extra cubic footage will increase your moving cost.
Begin obtaining packing supplies.
Get a “Change of Address” form from your local post office.
Arrange to transfer school records.
Obtain medical records for each member of the household, including veterinary records.
Start planning your travel arrangements.



Clean the refrigerator.
Get enough cash till you reach your new location.
Have all travel reservation information together.
Make sure everything you need for your trip is packed and ready for you.
Say goodbye to your neighbors.​​



​Contact your relocation specialist to discuss storage options if needed.
Begin packing or making arrangements for packers.
Start labeling your boxes as you pack. Indicate which room each box belongs in on the top and side and mark required boxes ‘Fragile” for the crew.
Schedule disconnection with your gas, electric, water, internet and phone companies. Ask about refunds.
Schedule connection for your new residence.
Cancel pest control, cleaning service, landscaping maintenance and all other services you receive.
Update magazines, credit/charge cards, insurance companies and all other organizations of your address change.
Start utilizing food stored in the freezer and pantry.
Contact your doctors and pharmacy for all medication refills.
Make sure to set aside items which you will be bring with you also for last minute cleaning.
Book travel arrangements.

THE DAY OF PICK UP  â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹


 Make sure all valuables are safe and secure.
Having payment arrangements ready prior to movers arrival.
Be on call for the movers.
Once the movers arrive make sure to oversee the loading process.
Go over inventory items with the driver ensuring nothing is forgotten.
Exchange phone numbers with the driver and let the movers handle the rest.  



​Contact your relocation specialist to update your inventory list.
Confirm your pick up date and time for your household goods.
Get your laundry done.
Mail in your “Change of Address” form.
Make sure you packed and labeled everything you planned on packing yourself and ready for the packers to do the rest.
Go over your priority list ensuring you didn’t forget anything.

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